Saturday, December 31, 2016

first travel + boxing video!

I just put up my first travel / boxing video.  The topic of this video is, well, boxes and boxing first of all, because I love boxes, and Canada.

Monday, December 26, 2016


I just discovered a secret government conspiracy training video.  I hope you get to watch it before they come after me!

here's the link:

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

videos for the holiday season

Hi Everybody!

I just put up some videos of snow falling and corny holiday music.


singing and snowfall:

snow and jazz:

more different snow falling:

Howdy from Mr. MugZ and Running Updates!

Howdy all you Muggers and Tea Baggers!  Mr. MugZ here!

This is my Native American friend's very own blog page.  His name is "Running Updates!", and he likes to run, as you can see with the exclamation mark in his name.  He's going to let me post activities concerning my YouTube channel and Blog here (about the other blog pages, not this one, because writing updates about updating is silly).  This one's going to be like a "feed", like I'm feeding you the info.  I hope you don't get indigestion!  (especially since new posts will appear at the top of the page, instead of below the previous one at the bottom, which I find kinda weird, to be honest)

My YouTube channel:

Sometimes I'll give a "behind the scenes" view of the MugZ Lifestyle... that is, on this page I'll be posting info on what's happening, what's about to happen, and general stuff like that. Sometimes I'll like a video I found on YouTube and put it in that "liked playlist" over there.

As such, I wanted to let all my Mug Drinkers, Muggers, and Tea Baggers out there know that I've got a few videos already in pre-production being scripted and filmed, and I hope to finish them up, polish off the rough edges, and clean out the coffee stains soon for posting.

Alright y'all... laterZ,

Mr. Mugs, The Mug Collector

and friend,

Running Updates!